Bucky Barnes |
Done at last. It took some tinkering... which I'm not overly fond off. I find that when I tinker for too long my strokes cramp up and everything feels really uptight. But sometimes you just have to keep trying to get it the way you want it. One small advantage for me here is that I am very stubborn by nature.
But here he is... and here is where I leave it for now.
For those who haven't watched 'Captain America - The First Avenger' or 'The Winter Soldier' - SPOILER ALERT - ... When sergeant James Buchanan Barnes fell of the train he actually survived. In the fall his left arm came off. He was then found by Hydra and brainwashed and turned into a very efficient assassin with a metal arm known as the Winter Soldier.
There must have been a moment, before all memories of his old life were stripped away, the last flicker of Bucky, before the metal arm was attached and the winter soldier took over. How long did he try to resist? how hard did he try remain who he was?
'Trying to make a move just to stay in the game,
I try to stay awake and remember my name,
but everybody's changing and I don't feel the same'
(Keane - Everybody's Changing)