Sunday 26 January 2020

The man, the myth, the moustache

Ramon Tikaram / Dorian Pavus
Here's another one of Ramon Tikaram in the guise of the mage he so beautifully voiced, Dorian of House Pavus. Because I love his face so why the heck not.:-)

Friday 3 January 2020

Happy New Year!

Little Micky - wip
A very happy new year to you all! I had a rather dramatic end to 2019 from an artistic point of view, as my computer decided it did not want to experience the new decade. Luckily, I am a belt and braces kinda cat, so my files are ok, and have now taken up residence on my spangly new machine. And I shall be living on porridge for the foreseeable future. As with everything there are teething issues, but the only way is forwards. So, for now, as I get to know my new beastie, have a wip of Little Micky manning the front desk at the airport on New Year's Eve. Lots of love to you all!