Thursday, 21 February 2019

Keep talking...

Carth... Kaidan... no wait! Raphael Sbarge
Raphael Sbarge is an actor and film maker who has a delightful habit of regularly turning up in all sorts of tv shows. Which is pretty awesome, because, well so is he.
But before I even knew what he looked like, I knew what he sounded like. Because he is the voice of Carth Onasi. I shall refrain from waxing lyrical, however I can provide a ten page essay on how much I love Knights of the Old Republic should it be required.
And more... he is also the voice of Kaidan Alenko from the Mass Effect trilogy.
On top of all that he just seems like a super neat guy and he has a hella charming smile, so hey, if ever there was a reason to paint him, there we are.

Saturday, 2 February 2019

Anyone who knows what love is...

Precious the pilot
Sometimes I wonder why I paint. Sometimes it seems like a rather futile and odd endeavor. Particularly when it makes me want to scream in frustration. And I wonder... why? Why the hell am I doing this... but the answer is really simple... I paint because I can't not. :-)
To put it in the words of Irma Thomas 'Anyone who knows what love is, will understand.'
And speaking of love... here's my first face of the 29 faces and the new year in fact. My pilot, Precious. :-)