Friday, 20 February 2015

Lines 'n' Freckles

Face number 4 for the 29 faces. For this one I tried out a pencil brush I was kindly given by a super sweet layout artist from Luxembourg. I only ever paint in PS, I don't draw, so I figured now would be a good time to try it. So I drew a sketch, added tone, then colour. It was an interesting experience.

Sunday, 8 February 2015

Lady Isrid

Lady Isrid
Face number three for the 29 faces. A little while ago my friend Josephine let me use her as a model for an elf I wanted to paint. Finally got round to doing it.

Thursday, 5 February 2015

What makes a girl?

Miss Morgan
When I told my friend who is a huge Merlin fan that I was going to be painting only ladies for a month she looked mightily unimpressed for a few moments and then replied 'You'll just have to do Colin Morgan as a girl then. And somehow I just couldn't the image out of my head. So here is Miss Morgan. Face number two for the 29 faces. And yes, I know it probably looks like a young boy... I'm trying, ok.

Monday, 2 February 2015

Lay lady lay...

Hey, it's February! And that means it's once again time for the '29 Faces'. My challenge to myself this time to paint... ladies. It has been remarked upon on several occasions that I don't really do that... at all. There's no particular reason for this, I just like painting guys. So, ladies it is this time. With one little loop hole. I have compiled a list of a few special fellas of whom I might throw in a few as the month progresses.
Anyways... here' my first face. I went for a slightly androgynous Tilda Swinton-esque look, just to easy myself into it ;-)