Friday, 23 January 2015

Sneaky Peaky

Eirian - wip

Lil’ preview of another Eirian painting. Yeah, I know… it’s all elves at the moment.

And sorry it’s so long between the art posts too. Things are… well… things… at the moment. But as the song goes ‘things can only get better’ ;-)

Monday, 12 January 2015

Tuesday, 6 January 2015



Golden - detail

Eirian the Grass King - lord of Euriad Meysydd.
The king of 'golden fields' dressed according to his title.
Based as always on the ever handsome Bradley James of Merlin fame.

Available as print from my Society6 shop

Friday, 2 January 2015

Je m'apelle Golden

Eirian - wip

I'm a silver person meself... So I thought I'd annoy myself by attempting my elf king in an o so very golden setting. Seems appropriate seeing as I am mere hours away from seeing Thorin being consumed by his gold sickness. I'm not sure I have enough tissues to get me through the last installment of The Hobbit. When they open the doors at the end of the film the entire audience will be surfing out on a tidal wave of my tears. It's gonna get snotty!